Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring break offers valuable time

by Sylvia Yu

Once again, spring break has arrived. As much as you’d like to think your break is jam-packed with fun-filled activities every minute, chances are you are going to hear a lot of crickets chirping. However, within nothingness, there is always endless possibility. There are so many ways to make your spring break the best time of your life!

From an educational standpoint, spring break is the perfect time to catch up on the work you have been falling behind on. For seniors and even juniors, this is the ideal week to apply for scholarships, and to crack down on studying for those pesky SATs, ACTs, and of course, AP classes. Or, you can always pay the library a visit, where you can check out a stack of books from the library, lie around on the grass, and just read your heart out.

For all you jet-setters who are itching to explore the world, you don’t have to buy a plane ticket, nor should you mope around the house for a week. You don’t have to be a senior to go on a road trip and visit colleges. You can fly cross-country to visit East Coast universities, or for those who are cash-strapped, drive to local colleges for campus tours.

Money-wise, spring break is 168 hours of time to either get a job or work more hours, if you already have one. Yes, it is work, but the money earned should be well-worth it. No job? No problem; a little community service never hurt anyone!
Okay, let’s get physical everybody! Go out and exercise! With swimsuit season around the corner, if not already here, spring break can be an entire week dedicated to toning those thighs, burning off the belly fat, and losing those lovehandles.

Lastly, take up new hobbies or cultivate your existing ones. And even spending time with those you love is a good way to spend your spring break. Go window shopping, go people-watching, go bake a cake; heck, drive around and scream on a whim. Spring break is the best time to do something.

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